01. The New Story | $4.50 | |
02. A New Creation Story | $4.50 | |
03. Management | $4.50 | |
04. Teilhard de Chardin’s Biological Ideas | $4.50 | |
05. Cosmic Genesis | $4.50 | |
06. Reflections on Shamanism | $4.50 | |
07. Teilhard in the Ecological Age | $4.50 | |
08. The New Book of Nature | $4.50 | |
09. Teilhard’s Unity of Knowledge | $4.50 | |
10. The New Natural Selection | $4.50 | |
11. Teilhard de Chardin: A Short Biography
Teilhard de Chardin: Una Biografia Corta | $4.50 | |
12. Teilhard and Mendel | $4.50 | |
13. The Ecological Spirituality of Teilhard | $4.50 | |
14. Technology and the Healing of the Earth | $4.50 | |
15. Teilhard, Taoism, and Western Thought | $4.50 | |
16. Teilhard and Prigogine | $4.50 | |
17. History in a Teilhardian Context | $4.50 | |
18. The Journey Symbol | $4.50 | |
19. Love as Energy | $4.50 | |
20. Liberation Theology and Teilhard de Chardin | $4.50 | |
21. Teilhard, Evil and Providence | $4.50 | |
22. The Creative Union of Person and Community | $4.50 | |
23. Sustainable Development and the Biosphere | $4.50 | |
24. Cybernation, Responsibility and Providential Design | $4.50 | |
25. Ecofeminism: Sacred Matter/Sacred Mother | $4.50 | |
26. The New Biology | $4.50 | |
27. Apocalyptic Spirituality in the Old and New Worlds | $4.50 | |
28. Education and Ecology | $4.50 | |
29. The Teilhardian Synthesis, Lamarckism; Orthogenesis | $4.50 | |
30. Chaos, Complexity; Theology | $4.50 | |
31. Creation, Cosmology, and the Cosmic Christ | $4.50 | |
32. The Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan | $4.50 | |
33. Teilhard de Chardin and the Piltdown Hoax | $4.50 | |
34. Psychotherapy, Religion, and the Teilhardian Vision | $4.50 | |
35. Syntheses in Science; Religion | $4.50 | |
36. Teilhard 2000: The Vision of a Cosmic Genesis… | $4.50 | |
37. Merton and Ecology: A Double Issue | $4.50 | |
38. The Divine Milieu | $4.50 | |
39. The Once and Future Earth | $4.50 | |
40. Divine Wisdom: Her Significance for Today | $4.50 | |
41. Understanding Thomas Berry’s Great Work | $4.50 | |
42. Evolution of the Noosphere | $4.50 | |
43. The Texture of the Evolutionary Cosmos: Matter and Spirit in Teilhard de Chardin | $4.50 | |
44. Mysticism and Contemporary Society: Some Teilhardian Reflections | $4.50 | |
45. In Search of a God for Evolution: Paul Tillich and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin | $4.50 | |
46. Evolution as Revelation of a Triune God | $4.50 | |
47. Teilhard and the Feminine | $4.50 | |
48. Alienation in a Universe of Presence | $4.50 | |
49. Teilhard’s Concept of Religion and the Religious Phenomenon of Our Time | $4.50 | |
50. Teilhard’s Vision of Evolution | $4.50 | |
51. The Ecological Spirituality of Teilhard | $4.50 | |
52. Teilhard’s Vision and the Earth Charter | $4.50 | |
53. Geology and Grace: Teilhard’s Life and Achievements | $4.50 | |
54. Sustainable Development and the Ecosphere Concepts and Principles | $4.50 | |
55. The Divine Welling Up and Showing Through: Teilhard’s Evolutionary Theology in a Trinitarian Panentheistic-Procreative Paradigm | $4.50 | |
56. Teilhard and Jung: A Cosmic and Psychic Convergence | $4.50 | |
57. Believers and their Disbelief: St. Therese of Lisieux, Mother Teresa, and Teilhard | $4.50 | |
58. Teilhard’s Vision of the World and Modern Cosmology | $4.50 | |
59. Christogenesis: The Development of Teilhard’s Cosmic Christology | $4.50 | |
60. Is “the World” a Problem? A Teilhardian Response | $4.50 | |
61. Thomas Berry: Reflections on His Life and Thought | $4.50 | |
62. Contemplation and Cosmos: Merton on Maximus and Teilhard | $4.50 | |
63. Darwin, Teilhard, and the Drama of Life | $4.50 | |
64. Schweitzer, Teilhard and the Human Future | $4.50 | |
65. Ethics for Economics in the Anthropocene | $4.50 | |
66. Teilhard and Other Modern Thinkers on Evolution, Mind, and Matter | $4.50 | |
67. Christ in the World of Matter: Teilhard de Chardin’s Religious Experience and Vision | $4.50 | |
68. Expanding Teilhard’s “Complexity-Consciousness” Law | $4.50 | |
69. Searching for Soul: Teilhard, de Lubac, Rahner, and the Evolutionary Quest for Immortality | $4.50 | |
70. Teilhard de Chardin’s Theory of Spiritual Evolution | $4.50 | |
71. Teilhard, Big History, and Religion: A Look Inside | $4.50 | |
72. The Cosmotheandric Vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Raimon Panikkar | $4.50 | |
73. Teilhard, Evolution, and Ecology | $4.50 | |
74. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Bernard Lonergan: The Great Work of Our Time | $4.50 | |
75. The Shared Perspectives of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry | $4.50 | |
76. Divine Lives: Christ, Community, and Divine Embodiment | $4.50 | |
77. Teilhard de Chardin’s Response to Modern-day Anguish | $4.50 | |
78. Teilhard and Hawking on Creation | $4.50 | |
79. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Sir Julian Huxley: A Tale of Two Friends | $4.50 | |
80. Teilhard’s China Years | $4.50 | |
81. Psycho-spiritual Union: Integrating Spirituality and Psychology in Teilhard, Jung, and Assagioli | $4.50 | |
82. Evolution’s God: Teilhard de Chardin and the Varieties of Process Theology | $4.50 | |
83. “God Is a Person!” Enstatic Personhood and the Teilhardian Evolutionary Vision | $4.50 | |
84. Teilhard and Islam | $4.50 | |
85. Teilhard, Einstein, and the Meaning of Time | $4.50 | |
86. Teilhard in New York | $4.50 | |
87. Teilhard’s Mathematical Analogies and the Tradition of the Church | $4.50 | |
A Short History of the American Teilhard Association (full text) | $4.50 | |